ORD Airport Watch Meeting Minutes – May 4, 2021
Board Present: Bill Gaston, Dan Marinellie, Chuck Belanger, Kelly Roller, Dan McInerney
Board Absent: Eva Kozlowski
Law Enforcement present: Cmdr. Bill Mullane and Officer Bob Arnolts – CPD.
Note: The Executive Board and General meetings were held in person and via Zoom.
Meeting was called to order by Dan McInerney at 7:00 pm.
1) Motion to approve April minutes by Chuck Belanger, second by Dan Marinellie, motion approved.
2) Treasurer's report – Kelly Roller - current bank balance is $4374.37. Motion to approve by Dan Marinellie, second by Bill Gaston, motion approved.
3) Dan McInerney announced that Peter Wagner resigned as President. Per the by-laws, Dan is now President for the remainder of his term. Also per the by-laws, the Board can appoint a new Vice-President. Chuck Belanger had expressed an interest in the position. Motion to approve by Dan McInerney, second by Kelly Roller, motion approved. As this has created an empty Board slot, Bill Gaston invited any members interested in serving to let the Board know. Per the by-laws, the Board can approve any member in good standing to the Board.
4) Spotting Site Reports:
No major changes to any sites. The Hill is still open. We again strongly suggested that members have their vests and badges on at all times while spotting.
Also when engaging with law enforcement, be polite and follow the guidelines we have set for behavior.
5) Commander Mullane: CPD will have a CAPS officer appointed in a few months. This person will serve as a liaison between CPD and Airport Watch. As for spotting, his main point is to avoid areas that are clearly private property, such as company parking lots and other marked areas. Also, if you see anything out of the ordinary, do not hesitate to call the red phone number on the back of your badge.
6) New items – TBM Avenger Reunion – May 14-15, Peru IL
Cavalcade 2021 – June 5-6, Clow Airport, Bolingbrook IL
Thunder Over Michigan – August 7-8, Willow Run Airport, Ypsilanti MI
Chicago Air and Water Show – not officially scheduled yet.
7) The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 1, 2021. The May meeting will be in-person at Bensenville as well as a Zoom session. Details will be posted.
8) Motion to adjourn by Chuck Belanger at 7:26 pm, second by Dan Marinellie, motion approved.
Respectfully submitted by Bill Gaston