ORD Airport Watch Meeting Minutes – November 10, 2020
Board Present: Pete Wagner, Bill Gaston, Dan Marinellie, Chuck Belanger, Kelly Roller,Eva Kozlowski
Board Absent: Dan McInerney
Law Enforcement present: Cmdr. Bill Mullane, CPD.
Note: The Executive Board and General meetings were held via Zoom.
Meeting was called to order by Peter Wagner at 7:03 pm.
1) Renewals – emails have been sent to all current members. Reminder that photos are not needed, just a new application (sent in the emails). Either send to or drop off renewals at the Bensenville Police Station. Renewals are $20, and make checks payable to ORD Airport Watch, not Bill Gaston or Bensenville Police Dept.
2) Law Enforcement – Cmdr. Mullane (CPD) commented that Airport Watch is greatly appreciated around the airports. We are the extra eyes and ears for law enforcement. He also reminded us that proper behavior is expected at all times. There may be new employees that are not yet familiar with the group. Have them contact Cmdr. Mullane if there are questions.
3) Spotting Site Reports:
ORD Hill – Chuck reported that much activity is taking place around the site. Spotters are now advised to park on the very upper level (up from the CABO trailer). Also, CABO has asked us to stay on the southern edge of that parking area. Very little parking apace is available on all the lower levels on the hill and the area leading up to it.
Delta Cargo – advised members to be cautious and courteous.
MDW – Be careful around Signature and Atlantic areas.
New 9C/27C runway – the Board will post spotting sites as operations increase.
4) Treasurer's report – Kelly Roller - current bank balance is $2924.15 with no deposits outstanding.
5) Motion to approve October minutes made by Chuck Belanger, seconded by Dan Marinellie, motion approved.
6) Bill Gaston commented on Clearwater (FL) Airpark. After meeting with the Manager, he was able to spot from the patio in front of the main office. Several flight instructors asked about our group after seeing the vest.
7) Pete Wagner has been in contact with a representative from Paine Field (WA), Boeing's manufacturing site. They are interested in setting up a Watch group.
8) The 2021 Chicago Air and Water Show has been officially cancelled.
9) The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 1, 2020. Due to continuing Covid concerns, there will only be a Zoom session.
Note: The main point in tonight's meeting concerned spotting in general. Remember, we are guests of the Airports and the business on and around them. It is important that spotters conduct themselves accordingly. Follow the rules at all times, in all areas. Be watchful and courteous of any employee movements and parking. When in doubt, error on the side of safety and common sense. One bad experience can lead to us being barred from any spotting site. If you see questionable behavior by a vested spotter, advise them on the rules. Also contact the Board. If approached by law enforcement or business owners, comply with their directives, and do not argue. Contact the Board and we will intervene. We cannot stress these points enough.
10) Meeting motion to adjourn by Bill Gaston at 7:36 pm; second by Chuck Belanger.
Respectfully submitted by Bill Gaston