ORD Airport Watch Meeting Minutes – October 6 2020
Board Present: Pete Wagner, Bill Gaston, Dan Marinellie, Chuck Belanger, Dan McInerney, Kelly Roller
Board Absent: Eva Kozlowski
Note: The Executive Board and General meetings were held both in-person
and via Zoom.
Meeting was called to order by Peter Wagner at 7:04 pm.
1) Treasurer's report – Kelly Roller - current bank balance is $3033.79 with approximately $250 to be deposited. Motion to approve by Dan McInerney, seconded by Chuck Belanger, motion approved.
2) Motion to approve September minutes made by Bill Gaston, seconded by Dan McInerney, motion approved.
3) Spotting Site Reports:
Gate Gourmet – Dan Marinellie reported no changes or issues.
TNP – Chuck Belanger reported that the TNP lot is good as long as spotters stay inside the fence and away from City of Chicago storage lots. There is a question on the dirt hill construction spot. For now it is best to keep off until the Board can verify that we can be there.
Delta Cargo – Chuck reported that spotting is tolerated, but with cautions about employee traffic and parking spots as well as trucks doing daily business.
ORD Hill - Cabo is still good for us to spot. Be aware of equipment and people movements, especially around shift change at 3 pm.
MDW – Pete Wagner reported no changes.
PWK – Bill Gaston reported that traffic is sometimes spotty, but there are good opportunities for various business jets. Chuck Belanger indicated that the West side has sites that can be used, but with caution for business traffic.
New 9C/27C runway – Chuck reported that it will open on November 5. We will try to coordinate with the airport authorities as well as Rosemont and Elk Grove Village that there may be increased spotter activities in their areas.
4) Pete Wagner indicated that we are looking at purchasing lanyards and lens hood stickers for Airport Watch.
5) Renewals are coming due by the end of the year. Details will be forthcoming.
No picture should be needed for renewals.
7) Due to Election Day on November 3, the next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at the Bensenville Police Department. Note that masks WILL be required to attend. There will also be a Zoom session as well.
8) Meeting motion to adjourn by Dan McInerney at 7:38 pm; second by Chuck Belanger.
Respectfully submitted by Bill Gaston