Airport Watch August Meeting Minutes
ORD Airport Watch Meeting Minutes – August 4, 2020
Board Present: Pete Wagner, Bill Gaston, Dan Marinellie, Chuck Belanger, Kelly Roller, Dan McInerney Board Absent: Eva Kozlowski
Note: The Executive Board and General meetings were held via Zoom.
Meeting was called to order by Peter Wagner at 7:06pm.
1) Motion to approve July minutes by Chuck Belanger, seconded by Kelly Roller - minutes were approved. 2) Treasurer's report – Kelly Roller – current bank balance is $2690.96 with an additional $240.00 to be deposited. Bill Gaston indicated that he will send Kelly $120 for dues and $180 for vest payments shortly. 3) Discussion of the upcoming September meeting. It is scheduled for Tuesday, September 1 at the Bensenville Police Station general meeting room. We will be checking with the BPD staff as to proper protocols we need to take. There will be a Zoom meeting as well for those not comfortable attending in person. 4) Chuck Belanger had an out-of-town visitor ask him for a spotting visit. This is not unusual. Chuck declined due to other obligations. It later turned out this person tested positive for covid-19. Please exercise extreme caution while spotting. Wear masks and maintain social distancing. Be aware and stay safe. 5) Spotting Site Reports: ORD Hill - Cabo is still good for us to spot. Be aware of equipment and people movements, be courteous and stay off the upper paved level. Gate Gourmet / TNP Lot – Be respectful, move to the fence, take your pictures then back off a bit. MDW – again, do not loiter at the fence lines. PWK – Bill reported lots of activity during a morning visit last week. The spotting area on Wolf Road is a good place. Chuck added that later in the day, a west location is preferred. 6) Chuck Belanger indicated that Northern Lightning will be held at Volk Field, WI, August 10-21. This is a USAF joint training exercise and there will be plenty of military flying. 7) John Meneely said that there will be 5 Blackhawk helicopters at Aurora airport this coming Thursday evening. 8) There will be an event at Poplar Grove airport on Sunday, August 16th. I will publish details to the appropriate sites. 9) Kelly Roller brought up a possible get-together this fall at one of our spotting sites. 10) The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at the Bensenville Police Department. Note that masks WILL be required to attend. 11) Meeting motion to adjourn by Chuck Belanger at 7:38 pm; second by Peter Wagner. Respectfully submitted by Bill Gaston