Airport Watch September Meeting Minutes

ORD Airport Watch Meeting Minutes – September 1 2020

Board Present: Pete Wagner, Bill Gaston, Dan Marinellie, Chuck Belanger, Dan McInerney,Eva Kozlowski

Board Absent: Kelly Roller

Note: The Executive Board and General meetings were held both in-person and via Zoom.

Meeting was called to order by Peter Wagner at 7:01pm.


1) Motion to approve August minutes, seconded and approved.

2) Treasurer's report – Kelly Roller vis messenger – current bank balance is $3054.96.

3) We continue to be in touch with CDA and Airport authorities to let them know we are still active. There is still a shut-down for tours.

4) Reminder to record any law enforcement interaction and report to the Board. Get any details you can on car or badge numbers and when and where. Above all, follow any law enforcement instructions without hesitation.

5) Spotting Site Reports: ORD Hill - Cabo is still good for us to spot. Be aware of equipment and people movements, be courteous and stay off the upper paved level. TNP / Delta Lot – The TNP lot is just to the right after the guard shack at the end of Montrose (past the Gate Gourmet parking lot). The Delta lot is just west of TNP up to the perimeter fence. We have no official clearance to be in the Delta lot so stay out for now. For TNP, be respectful, move to the fence, take your pictures then back off a bit. MDW – no changes. PWK – The spotting area on Wolf Road is a good place. Chuck added that later in the day, a west location is preferred.

6) Chuck Belanger indicated that on 9/19 and 9/20, the B-17 Yankee Lady will be at Peru, IL.

7) The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 6, 2020 at the Bensenville Police Department. Note that masks WILL be required to attend. There will also be a Zoom session as well.

8) Meeting motion to adjourn by Bill Gaston at 7:37 pm; second by Dan Marinellie.

Respectfully submitted by Bill Gaston


Membership Renewal


Airport Watch August Meeting Minutes