Airport Watch July Meeting Minutes
ORD Airport Watch Meeting Minutes July 7, 2020
Board Present: Pete Wagner, Bill Gaston, Dan Marinellie, Chuck Belanger, Eva
Kozlowski, Kelly Roller, Dan McInerney
Board Absent: None
Note: The Executive Board and General meetings were held via Zoom.
Meeting was called to order by Peter Wagner at 7:00pm.
1) Motion to approve new vest purchase for $369.07, motion approved.
2) Treasurer's report Kelly Roller current bank balance is $2677.83 with an additional $430.00 to be deposited. Bill Gaston indicated that he will send Kelly more dues and vest payments shortly.
3) Motion to approve June Minutes by Dan McInerney, second by Chuck Belanger, minutes were approved.
4) Spotting Site Reports:
ORD Hill - Chuck reports more activity on the hill. The upper grassy area is being used for equipment storage and is strictly off limits to anyone. Be awarenof equipment movements and be courteous and respectful.
Gate Gourmet / TNP Lot Many spotters are now using the TNP lot. Be respectful, move to the fence, take your pictures then back off a bit.
NE Cargo no issues. Again, do not loiter next to the fences.
Dave and Buster's no issues.
Delta Cargo is still available to us, just be respectful, park away from the end of the fence area, and try not to loiter too long.
5) The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday August 4, 2020 at the Bensenville Police Department. Please note the new day (Wednesday instead of Tuesday).
6) Meeting motion to adjourn by Peter Wagner at 7:18 pm; second by Chuck Belanger.
Respectfully submitted by Bill Gaston