August Virtual meeting
We ask that anyone whom is interested please join us in our August Airport Watch meeting Zoom video conference on Tuesday, August 4 at 7:00pm. With the pandemic situation still ongoing we decided to host another Zoom video conference in place of our August meeting. We are actively monitoring the current pandemic situation, and are hoping to return to in-person meetings beginning in September.
Zoom is completely free to use, and will work on any computer or smart phone by downloading the program from the website below, or searching for it in your phone's app store.
Once you have Zoom installed, you can simply click the meeting link listed below, or type in the meeting ID number in the Zoom program, and entering in the password if prompted. The password is ORDWatch.
Topic: August 2020 ORD Airport Watch Meeting
Time: Aug 4, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 733 8986 0494
Passcode: ORDWatch
We wish you and your families continued good health, and hope to see you on the video conference!
Sincerely,ORD Airport Watch Board